CSA 2021

The 2nd Workshop on Recent Advances in Cyber Situational Awareness on Military Operations (CSA 2021)

to be held in the conjunction with the ARES workshops EU Projects Symposium 2021 at 16 th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
(ARES 2021 – http://www.ares-conference.eu )

August 17 – August 20, 2021

Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are the backbone of the Global economic growth and prosperity, thus entailing a critical resource where all economic sectors rely on. This empowered the implementation of legislations and regulations (NIS (EU) 2016/1148, eiDAS (EU) 910/2014, GDPR (EU) 2016/679, etc.) aiming at protecting the cyber assets and digital marketplaces with global strategic purposes, safeguarding at the same time the fundamental rights of citizens, such as privacy or data protection. The rapid development of dual-use technological enablers consolidated the Cyberspace as Fifth Military Operational Domain. Nowadays military operations are dependent on Communication and Information Systems (CIS) that support Command and Control (C2) and the delivery of actionable Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) information. These Information Communication Services (ICS) need to support federated concepts like Federated Mission Networking (FMN) and can be organized through service-oriented architectures. In these grounds, the Information Superiority became a defence capability priority highlighted as essential at all operational levels.

In order to support military operations dependent on the Cyberspace, the Cyber Situational Awareness (CSA) acquisition enablers brings mission-centric reasoning and knowledge acquisition approaches that aim to provide the clearest understanding of the current state of the planned/ongoing missions, thus inferring and anticipating future changes and inferring risks that may compromise related actuation domains (virtual-to-live). This involves the orchestration of a plethora of information processing actions, among them key cyber terrain (KCT) identification, dynamic risk assessment/management, incident response, or attack notification to stakeholders. The proficiency in conducting mission-centric situational awareness poses a new nuance in the emergent communication landscape, since the capabilities for acquiring contextual information of the protected domain (e.g., disruptive monitoring features, complex event correlation, smart decision-making, etc.) are significantly enhanced. Suitable CSA solutions shall also address cross-cutting barriers, including social, economic, industrial or regulatory/standardization challenges, which expect breakthrough contributions in topics like education and training (e.g. Cyber Ranges), convergence with other battle domains (e.g. kinetic operations, hybrid warfare, Electronic Warfare (EW)) or information sharing (e.g. evidence notification, Common Operational Picture (COP)).

The aim the CSA 2020 Workshop is to collect contributions by leading-edge researchers from academia and industry, and to show the latest research results in the rapidly developing field of cyber defence with the aim of support the development of CSA on military operations, therefore providing a valuable information venue to researchers as well as practitioners

The CSA 2021 organizing committee encourages the submission of related distinguished research papers on the subject of both theoretical and practical approaches, as well as ongoing related projects and use case reviews.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Active cyber defence
Artificial Intelligence on military operations on the cyberspace
Attestation, evidences and distributed trust
Autonomous cyber response on military operations
Big data on cyber situational awareness
Command and Control in joint operations
Cryptography and safe communications
Cyber & Electronic Warfare
Cyber for Maritime, Land, Air and Space domains
Cyber Threat Intelligence management
Cyber risk Identification and Assessment

Education and Training
Gamification and Cyber ranges
Hybrid Warfare
Incident modeling and simulation
Incident response and decision-making
Key Cyber Terrain identification and assessment
Mission planning
Mission assessment and management
Resilience and recovery
Evidence notification and Common Operational Picture
Visual analytics and presentation of the operational environment

Important Dates
Submission Deadline May 02, 2021
New deadline May 23, 2021
Author Notification June 01, 2021
Proceedings Version June 13, 2021
ARES EU Symposium August 17, 2021
All-Digital Conference August 17 – August 20, 2021
Workshop Chairs

Jorge Maestre Vidal, Indra, Digital Labs, Spain
Gregorio Martínez Perez, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
Marco Antonio Sotelo Monge, Indra, Digital Labs, Spain
Sebastián Laiseca Segura, Indra, Spain


Marco Manso, Particle Summary, Portugal
Jan Willemson, Cybernetica, Estonia.
Andreas Kaiser, Rohde & Schwarz, Germany
Victor Villagrá González, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro, Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, France
Alberto Huertas Celdran, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Patricia Arias Cabarcos, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Cataldo Basile, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
David Sandoval Rodriguez-Bermejo, Indra, Digital Labs, Spain
Roumen Daton Medenou, Indra, Digital Labs, Spain
Miguel Páramo Castrillo, Indra, Digital Labs, Spain
Félix López Mármol, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
Manuel Gil Pérez, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
Mauro Conti, University of Padua, Italy
Georgios Kambourakis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Pierangela Samarati, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Submission Guidelines

The submission guidelines valid for the workshop are the same as for the ARES conference. They can be found at https://www.ares-conference.eu/conference/submission/ .