The 1 st Workshop on Cybersecurity in Healthcare 4.0 (SecHealth 2021)
to be held in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
(ARES 2021 –
August 17 – August 20, 2021
Healthcare 4.0 services and infrastructures are more critical, sophisticated and interconnected than ever before, placing healthcare among the top sectors of major security risks. More complexity is brought by distributed and coordinated services delivery, resource constraint facing demographic stress, and various human factors, which require a new mind set and innovative solutions to cybersecurity. The situation is exacerbated by the Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)/Internet of Things (IoT) enabled healthcare services and infrastructures, which are vulnerable to a variety of emerging cyber-attacks, and which pose rife with challenges. Since the CPS/IoT systems are classified as safety and security critical systems there is a need for understanding the cybersecurity, privacy and safety challenges facing a future healthcare system, and innovating the cybersecurity and privacy protection mechanisms to address these challenges.
Integrating safety and security requirements represent a major challenge due to CPS/IoT systems’ characteristics of fragmentation, interconnectedness, heterogeneity, cross-organizational nature and high interference between safety and security requirements. As technology continues to evolve, cybersecurity threats do as well. Healthcare 4.0 will therefore present expanded attack surface making the public safety risks higher for healthcare services and critical infrastructure through their interfaces and more flexible access to services and information. Such attacks can potentially lead to a violation of users’ privacy, physical damages, financial loses and threats to human life and preventing them is critical.
The rise of cyber-physical attacks shows us that the current, security solutions are unable to tackle the dynamicity, complexity, uncertainty, and high connectivity of Healthcare 4.0 services and critical infrastructures. These threats present us with a growing need for research and development in intelligent methods and techniques for cybersecurity, safety, forensic, adaptive privacy in Healthcare 4.0, and need for cybersecurity to become an integral part of patient safety.
The workshop on cybersecurity in Healthcare 4.0 will provide a discussion platform for researchers in the field and to share novel research on the topic.
Supported by the Center for Research-based Innovation (SFI) Norwegian Center for Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors (NORCICS)
Topics of interest comprise but are not limited to:
Security, trust and privacy metrics
Methods for addressing new, dynamic, and uncertain situations
Correlating and balancing timely in-situ data and behavioural analysis
Cybersecurity vulnerabilities in Healthcare 4.0 services and infrastructures
Measures of Patient Safety
Legal aspects of cybersecurity in healthcare 4.0
AI/machine learning for cybersecurity
Evidence-driven AI for cybersecurity
Uncertainty quantification and risk management in Healthcare 4.0
New security design and analysis methods
Simulation and analysis of cybersecurity and privacy threats and attacks
AI and robotics enabled distributed healthcare infrastructures and services
Model and nudge security and privacy practices of healthcare staffs and patients
Proactive security monitoring mechanism for Healthcare 4.0
Distributed and heterogeneous security architectures for Healthcare 4.0
Methods for addressing the unreliability of local devices
Federated learning and adversarial machine learning methods for Healthcare 4.0
Specific security and privacy demonstrators for Healthcare 4.0 scenarios
Submission Deadline |
New deadline: May 25, 2021 |
Author Notification | June 07, 2021 |
Proceedings Version | June 13, 2021 |
ARES EU Symposium | August 17, 2021 |
All-Digital Conference | August 17 – August 20, 2021 |
Workshop Chairs
Svetlana Boudko
Norwegian Computing Center, Norway
Bian Yang
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Habtamu Abie
Norwegian Computing Center, Norway
Sokratis Katsikas
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Program Committee 2021
Shaukat Ali, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Federica Battisti, University of Padua, Italy
Wafa Ben Jaballah, Thales Group, France
Elisabetta Biasin, KU Leuven, Belgium
Sigurd Eskeland, Norwegian Computing Center, Norway
Katrin Franke, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Lothar Fritsch, Karlstad University, Sweden
Dieter Gollmann, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Wolfgang Leister, Norwegian Computing Center, Norway
Ijlal Loutfi, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Evangelos Markakis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
Rudolf Mayer, SBA Research, Austria
Ethiopia Nigussie, University of Turku, Finland
Yannis Nikoloudakis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
Silvia Olabarriaga, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, The Netherlands
Olaf Owe, University in Oslo, Norway
Nicolae Paladi, Lund University and RISE, Sweden
Sandeep Pirbhulal, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Isabel Praça, GECAD/ISEP, Portugal
Toktam Ramezanifarkhani, University in Oslo, Norway
Reijo Savola, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
ARES 2021 (including workshops) will be published by the International Conference Proceedings Series published by ACM ( ACM ICPS ).
The submission guidelines valid for the workshop are the same as for the ARES conference.
It is necessary that all papers submitted to EasyChair are anonymized (no names or affiliations of authors should be visible in the paper)
They can be found
Cybersecurity in Healthcare 4.0: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
Sandeep Pirbhulal, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Abstract: In recent times, healthcare infrastructure is considered as one of the crucial assets for several nations and governments. e-healthcare has received much attention concerning their cybersecurity and resilience. Due to the applicability of the broad spectrum of digital information and communication technologies, healthcare 4.0 aims to offer more efficient medical services. In the e-healthcare domain, it is significant to demonstrate medical information storage components and services, to identify cybersecurity challenges and requirements, and to examine the impact of availability and security of healthcare data and services in society.
This talk includes a) to explore the security issues, potential threats, and resilience trends, and security requirements in healthcare systems, b) to address healthcare standards, regulations, and governing bodies involved and their responsibilities, c) to illustrate the potential threats and risks for healthcare, and to get an overview of the performance metric for health care security, and d) to discuss future directions and opportunities of cybersecurity and resilience in healthcare 4.0.
Dr. Sandeep Pirbhulal received his Ph.D. degree in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2017. He is currently working as Senior Research Scientist at the Norwegian Computing Center, Norway. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway (March 2020- July 2021). Dr. Pirbhulal has vast experience of 7-8 years in Academia & Research. His current research focuses on critical infrastructure security, tele-healthcare, network security, information security, privacy and security for WSNs, wireless body sensor networks (WSNs), and Internet of Things. He has published more than 80 scientific articles (including peer-reviewed journals and international conferences) with 1990 citations on Google scholar, an H-index of 25, and an i-index of 41 comprising IEEE Transactions, Elsevier’s JCR Q1 other high impact factor venues. He has reviewed more than 100 papers in the reputed peer-reviewed journal such as IEEE Access, IEEE JBHI, IEEE transactions etc. He is an editorial board member of MDPI Signals Journal (since 2020). Since, three years (2019-2021), he is the Organizing Chair of the Workshop on Decentralized Technologies and Applications for IoT (D’IoT) in conjunction with the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC). He also serves as a TPC member of several conferences, seminars, and workshops at the national and international levels.